Privacy Policy


Who are we and what do we do?


We are Stadup Agency. We provide consultancy services for start-ups and scale-ups developing tech – fintech, regtech, high-tech…  Apart from tha,t we provide digital marketing, performance marketing, web development, and more services in partnership with our vendors. We help companies shape their branding and GTM strategies by choosing the right tactics and channels like ABM and demand generation using B2B channels. You can read more about our Services on our Website or contact us directly to learn more.


Privacy Notice


This is our Privacy Notice. In this document, we explain what kind of Personal Data we collect and process. We also explain what role we have in the processing of Personal Data, how long we retain them, and your rights as a data subject.


Personal Data and Controller


We process Personal Data. In this Privacy Notice, Personal Data means all information by which a person can be directly or indirectly identified. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are the Controller of your Personal Data. If you have questions about the processing of your Personal Data, you can always contact us using the contact details at the bottom of this Privacy Notice.


What Personal Data do we collect?


  • Information you provide us:
    • Contact form filled out by you (website): name, email, company, phone, and message;
    • Your feedback;
    • Content of correspondence with us (by email, phone, or letters);
    • Subscription newsletter (website form);
    • Information from social media when you link to our Website;
    • Information relating to your use of the Services;
    • Contact details of past, present, and future customers;
    • Contact details of past, present, and future suppliers, vendors, investors, or other partners.
  • Information we may automatically collect if you visit our website:
    • technical information, including IP address, browser type, and version;
    • cookies and other technologies.
  • Finally, information collected on our site may be stored and processed into anonymous statistics or log files for internal use, such as traffic and profile analysis.




In general, we may have to process all categories of personal data to comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements, relevant industry standards, and our policies, as well as for litigation or defense of claims.


We use your personal data for the performance of our agreements with you. In particular, we process your personal data to deliver and provide our Services and to invoice them, as well as for the execution and analysis of market surveys and marketing strategies. We also use your contact details to further inform you about our products and services that are in line with our already existing relationship and for marketing such as offering promotions. We furthermore process your Personal Data to conclude and execute our agreements and manage our relationships with our partners on behalf of the Services provided to you.


Mandatory information


When you engage our Services, it may be legally or contractually required that you provide us with certain Personal Data. For example, we may need information regarding your contact details so that we can contact you. If you do not provide us with such information, this will usually imply that we will not be able to provide you with specific Services or perform part of our agreement with you.




We may use functional, tracking and/or analytical cookies on our Website. A cookie is a simple small text file that can be stored in your device when visiting the Website. This text file identifies your browser and/or device. When visiting our Website again, the cookie ensures that your browser/device is recognized.


How long do we keep your Personal Data?


We will not process or store any Personal Data that we do not need. We store Personal Data for as long as we need it for the above purposes unless we are legally obliged to retain the Personal Data for a longer period. In this respect, we apply the following retention periods: 


  • Personal data of potential customers: these data are stored as long as necessary to determine whether we enter into an agreement with a potential customer and for a maximum period of 24 months after our last contact.
  • Personal data of clients: these data are stored as long as we have a contract with our customer and for a maximum period of 5 years after unless we are legally obliged to retain the data for a longer period.
  • Personal Data in our correspondence: this data is stored as long as necessary to handle your message/question/complaint and for a period of 5 years thereafter.
  • Personal Data in our records for the (tax) authorities: this data is stored for seven (7) years, unless we are legally obliged to retain the data for a longer period.


After the expiry of the aforementioned retention period(s), we may process and retain certain Personal Data to comply with legal retention obligations and/or for fraud/misuse investigations or to substantiate a (judicial) claim. In such events, we will retain the Personal Data separately and only use such Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes.


Do we share your Personal Data with others?


We work with third parties who process personal data on our behalf (Processors). By doing so, we continue to uphold responsibility for ensuring the protection of your Personal Data during such processing. These Processors may only use or disclose the data collected and processed by us within the scope of our instructions to them and under no circumstances for other purposes. We enter into a data processing agreement with all of our Processors. We use Processors for parts of our Services.


We might also share your personal data with third parties who use it for their own purposes (Controllers). Once they have your Personal Data, it is their responsibility to protect it. To know how these parties handle personal data, you can check their privacy notices. We share Personal Data with:


  • Tax authorities: We are legally obliged to include (some of) the Personal Data in our financial administration, which has to be shared with the national tax authority.
  • Suppliers: Only if this is necessary to handle the case. For example, insurers, government agencies, and similar parties.


Export of Personal Data outside the European Union


We may transmit Personal Data to parties outside the European Union if one of our Processors or Controllers is established outside the European Union. Personal Data will only be transferred to countries and/or parties that provide an adequate level of protection in accordance with the European standards, or if we have contractual safeguards in place. You may contact us if you wish to receive more information or a copy of the safeguards we take in this scope. 


Third-party websites


You may find advertising or other (hyper)links on our Website that link to the websites, products, and services of partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors, or other third parties. We do not control the content or the links that appear on these websites and we are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Website. In addition, these websites, products, and services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These websites, products, and services may have their own privacy notices, user terms, and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites that are linked to or from our Website, are subject to the terms and policies of that website.


Changes to the Privacy Notice


The Privacy Notice may be changed from time to time. Please check our Privacy Notice frequently. The new Privacy Notice will be effective immediately upon posting on our Website. If we change our Privacy Notice significantly, then we will state so on our Website together with the revised Privacy Notice.


Our contact data: